AUDITIONS: Twelve Angry Jurors

an ACT ONE production casting actors aged 60+


Mon (8/12) 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Tues (8/13) 6:00pm – 8:00pm


Court Square Theater and ACT ONE will be auditioning Actors Aged 60 and Up for “Twelve Angry Jurors” for Showdates December 5th-8th.
This production will be directed by Steve Winegard.


Synopsis: The jury in a murder trial is frustrated by a single member whose skeptical caution forces them to more carefully consider the evidence before jumping to a hasty verdict.




Foreperson of the Jury
A small, petty person, the Foreperson is impressed with the authority they have and handle themself quite formally. They is not overly bright but are determined.

Juror #2
A meek, hesitant person who finds it difficult to maintain any opinions of their own, Juror #2 is easily swayed and usually adopts the opinion of the last person they have spoken to.

Juror #3
A very strong, very forceful, extremely opinionated person within whom can be detected a streak of sadism, Juror #3 is also a humorless person who is intolerant of opinions other than their own and is accustomed to forcing their wishes and views upon others.

Juror #4
A person of wealth and position, and a practiced speaker who presents themself well at all times, Juror #4 seems to think themself a little bit better than the rest of the jurors. Their only concern is with the facts in this case and they are appalled with the behavior of the others.

Juror #5
A frightened young person, Juror #5 takes their obligations in this case very seriously but finds it difficult to speak up when their elders have the floor.

Juror #6
An honest but dull-witted person who comes upon their decisions slowly and carefully, Juror #6 is a person who finds it difficult to create positive opinions, but who must listen to, digest, and accept those opinions offered by others which appeal to them most.

Juror #7
A loud, flashy, glad-handed salesperson type who think they has more important things to do than to sit on a jury, Juror #7 is quick to show temper and equally quick to form opinions on things they know nothing about. They are a bully and, of course, a coward.

Juror #8
A quiet, thoughtful, gentle person, Juror #8 sees all sides of every question and constantly seeks the truth. They are a person of strength tempered with compassion. Above all, they are a person who wants justice to be done and will fight to see that it is.

Juror #9
A mild, gently old person, long since defeated by life, and now merely waiting to die, Juror #9 recognizes themself for what they are and mourns the days when it would have been possible to be courageous.

Juror #10
An angry, bitter person who antagonizes almost at sight, Juror #10 is also a bigot who places no values on any human life except their own. They are a person who has been nowhere and is going nowhere, and they know it deep down.

Juror #11
A refugee from Europe, Juror #11 speaks with an accent and is ashamed, humble, almost subservient to the people around them. They will honestly seek justice because they have suffered through so much injustice.

Juror #12
A slick, bright advertising person who thinks of human beings in terms of percentages, graphs and polls, Juror #12 has no real understanding of people. They are a superficial snob, but trying to be a good person.

Other Characters:
Guard, Judge, Clerk



Monday Aug 12th – 6pm-8pm Auditions at Court Square Theater – 41-F Court Square Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Tuesday Aug 13th – 6pm-8pm Auditions at Court Square Theater
Monday Sept 16th – 6pm-8pm Asbury United Methodist Church – 205 S. Main St., Harrisonburg VA 22801
Tuesday Sept 17th – 6pm-8pm Asbury United Methodist Church
Thursday Sept 19th – 6pm-8pm Asbury United Methodist Church
Monday Sept 23rd – 6pm-8pm Asbury United Methodist Church
Tuesday Sept 24th – 6pm-8pm Asbury United Methodist Church
Thursday Sept 26th – 6pm-8pm Asbury United Methodist Church
Monday Sept 30th – 6pm-8pm Asbury United Methodist Church
Tuesday Oct 1st – 6pm-8pm Asbury United Methodist Church
Thursday Oct 3rd – 6pm-8pm Asbury United Methodist Church
Monday Oct 7th – 6pm-8pm Asbury United Methodist Church
Tuesday Oct 8th – 6pm-8pm Asbury United Methodist Church
Thursday Oct 10th – 6pm-8pm Asbury United Methodist Church
Tuesday Oct 15th – 6pm-8pm Asbury United Methodist Church
Thursday Oct 17th – 6pm-8pm Asbury United Methodist Church
Monday Oct 21st – 6pm-8pm Asbury United Methodist Church
Tuesday Oct 22nd – 6pm-8pm Asbury United Methodist Church
Thursday Oct 24th – 6pm-8pm Asbury United Methodist Church
Monday Oct 28th – 6pm-8pm Asbury United Methodist Church
Tuesday Oct 29th – 6pm-8pm Asbury United Methodist Church
Monday Nov 4th – 6pm-8pm Asbury United Methodist Church
Thursday Nov 7th – 6pm-8pm Asbury United Methodist Church
Tuesday Nov 12th – 6pm-8pm Asbury United Methodist Church
Thursday Nov 14th – 6pm-8pm Asbury United Methodist Church
Monday Nov 18th – 6pm-8pm Court Square Theater – DESIGNER’S RUN THRU
Tuesday Nov 19th – 6pm-8pm Court Square Theater
Wednesday Nov 20th – 6pm-8pm Court Square Theater
Monday Nov 25th – 6pm-8pm Court Square Theater
Sunday Dec 1st – 5-10pm LOAD IN SET BUILD – Court Square Theater (Actor Line thru at 7?)
Monday Dec 2nd – 6:00pm-9:00pm – Court Square Theater Tech/Dress
Tuesday Dec 3rd – 6pm-10pm Dress Run – Court Square Theater
Wednesday Dec 4th – 6pm-10pm Final Dress – Court Square Theater
Thursday Dec 5th – 6:30pm-10:30pm – Court Square Theater Opening Night Performance
Friday Dec 6th – 6:30-10:30pm Evening Performance – Court Square Theater
Saturday Dec 7th – 1:30pm-5:30pm Matinee Performance 6:30-10:30pm Evening Performance – Court Square Theater
Sunday Dec 8th – 1:30pm-5:30pm Matinee Performance – Court Square Theater – Strike after show and Load Out

*May be subject to change ***Not everyone will be needed every night till we get closer to the opening of the show.

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